Baker, George D.. Фильмы

Baker, George D.
Всего фильмов 121
Карьера Режиссёр, Продюсер, Монтажер, Актёр
A Change in Baggage Checks

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A Gentleman of Fashion

(США, 1913)

A Gentleman of Fashion

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A Georgia Wedding

(США, 1909)

A Georgia Wedding

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A Leap Year Proposal

(США, 1912)

A Leap Year Proposal

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A Lovers Stratagems

(США, 1908)

A Lovers Stratagems

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A Mans Sacrifice

(США, 1915)

A Mans Sacrifice

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A Night Out

(США, 1916)

A Night Out

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A Pair of Queens

(США, 1915)

A Pair of Queens

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A Price for Folly

(США, 1915)

A Price for Folly

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A Queen for an Hour

(США, 1915)

A Queen for an Hour

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A Regiment of Two

(США, 1913)

A Regiment of Two

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A Sleeping Memory

(США, 1917)

A Sleeping Memory

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A Strand of Blond Hair

(США, 1914)

A Strand of Blond Hair

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A Train of Incidents

(США, 1914)

A Train of Incidents

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Aunties Portrait

(США, 1915)

Aunties Portrait

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Auntys Romance

(США, 1912)

Auntys Romance

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Bachelor Buttons

(США, 1912)

Bachelor Buttons

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Bunco Bills Visit

(США, 1914)

Bunco Bills Visit

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Bunny All at Sea

(США, 1912)

Bunny All at Sea

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Bunny Backslides

(США, 1914)

Bunny Backslides

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Bunny Buys a Harem

(США, 1914)

Bunny Buys a Harem

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Bunnys Birthday

(США, 1914)

Bunnys Birthday

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Bunnys Little Brother

(США, 1914)

Bunnys Little Brother

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Bunnys Mistake

(США, 1914)

Bunnys Mistake

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