Операторы — стр. 154

Parks, Brian Parks, Brian A Pain in the Necklace
Vilk, Roxana Vilk, Roxana A Palestinian Poet in Beirut, Ashura, Tehran Backyard
Matthews, Aaron Matthews, Aaron A Panther in Africa, CIA Confidential, Независимая линза (сериал)
Caulfield, Alexandra Caulfield, Alexandra Убийство в заливе (сериал), A Paperback Life, Burning Hope: The Making of Hitman Absolution
Gottlieb, David N. Gottlieb, David N. Cannonball!, Here We Go Again!, A Parents Guide to the Intensive Care Nursery
Cairaschi, Gérard Cairaschi, Gérard À part, Action de corps exclu, Cent cinquante poèmes mis en sang
Denault, Sébastien Denault, Sébastien À part de tça, The Human Condition
Grifi, Alberto Grifi, Alberto Un bacio non uccide, A partire dal dolce, Verifica incerta - Disperse Exclamatory Phase
Ringer, Olivier Ringer, Olivier Крадучись, Haute pression, Les guignols de linfo
Гурав Сет Гурав Сет Заключенный Икс, A Passage to Ottawa, Искусство умирать
Coats, Chris Coats, Chris A Passenger, Meteor Night, The Waiting Game
Hoeg, Jonathan Hoeg, Jonathan A Passing Afternoon, Crackin Down Hard, Young(ish)
Schneidkraut, Daniel Schneidkraut, Daniel A Passing Place, Dawn of Hondo Lunt, Discover Crown Heights
Scioli, Don Scioli, Don A Passion for the Vine, Mysteries from Beyond Earth, Si Se Puede: The Roseland Prep Story
Bardsley, Jessica Bardsley, Jessica A Past of Plank and Nail, Football Behind Bars, Marvins Journey
Cosic, Rachel Cosic, Rachel A Path, Brainstorm, Federales y unitarios
Banks, Michael Banks, Michael Эта дикая кошка, Casa Hollywood, A Path Now Lost
Davis, Brian Davis, Brian Цвета, Теряя это, The Wild Pair
Nunes, Noilton Nunes, Noilton A Paz É Dourada, Leucemia, Na Boca do Mundo
Amico, Robert Amico, Robert C.S.I. Место преступления (сериал), Капитан Крюк, Лига (сериал)