Операторы — стр. 140

Oberheiden, Andrea Oberheiden, Andrea A Look at Al Jolson, A Tribute to Rudy Wissler, Al Jolson and The Jazz Singer
Redvers, Kelvin Redvers, Kelvin Evangeline, A Look at the Life of Morgan Green, Kids Court
Prigg, Aron Prigg, Aron A Look Inside Sakura-Con, Exposure 360º, Someone Else
Nelson, Shalaun Nelson, Shalaun Make-A-Wish, A Look Through My Eyes, Karen
Spears, Darick Spears, Darick A Look Within the Prison Walls
Ксавье Джанноли Ксавье Джанноли Утраченные иллюзии, Явление, Суперстар
Guarini, Carmen Guarini, Carmen Buenos Aires, crónicas villeras, Los perros, Calles de la memoria
Zorrilla, José A. Zorrilla, José A. El barranco de Viznar, El desierto y las olas, El invierno en Lisboa
Mangan, Darin Mangan, Darin Друзья (сериал), Подмена, Схватка
Taylor, Andy Taylor, Andy Ип Ман: Рождение легенды, Неделя до..., Insiders
Lopez, Christopher Lopez, Christopher Наши сумасшедшие годы, Birthday Party Monologues, Efficiency (with Two Peasants)
Williamson, Shane Williamson, Shane Shut-In, Straight Talk: The Truth About Teen Pregnancy, A Lost Love
Pinsonneault, Meg Pinsonneault, Meg Faces of Tomorrow, Feast of the Foolish, Gwapa
Cunningham, Jerry Cunningham, Jerry Танец для Грейс, Before Tomorrow, Dodo Bird
Livermon, Mike Livermon, Mike A Lost Pixel
Smith, Tanner Smith, Tanner Interior/Exterior, Specter, The Legend of Spring Creek
Kimaro, Eliaichi Kimaro, Eliaichi A Lot Like You
Mostafa, Tamir Mostafa, Tamir Grasses of the Meadow, A Lot to Ask, Before It Happens
McElfresh, David McElfresh, David Бёрдмэн, For Closure, Intertwined
Joseph, Brent Joseph, Brent Садист, Holdout, Shell Shocked