In Posse - персоны

Мак Сеннетт Мак Сеннетт Mack Sennett They Would Elope, The Lonely Villa, To Save Her Soul Продюсер, Актер, Режиссер, Сценарист, Композитор, Оператор.
жанры:короткометражка, комедия, драма.
Paget, Alfred Paget, Alfred A Lodging for the Night, Беглец, A Beast at Bay
Moore, Owen Moore, Owen The Lonely Villa, They Would Elope, Беглец
Hyde, Harry Hyde, Harry The Mothering Heart, Юдифь из Ветулии, Almost a Wild Man
Evans, Frank Evans, Frank Беглец, A Lodging for the Night, To Save Her Soul
Carroll, William A. Carroll, William A. A Lodging for the Night, A Beast at Bay, The School Teacher and the Waif