Backup Dancer - персоны

Hoon, Tracy Hoon, Tracy Dance Voyeur, The Dancer
Maria, Danny Maria, Danny Everlasting Love
Maria, Christopher Maria, Christopher Pepeng Agimat
Parsons, Lizabeth Parsons, Lizabeth The Dancer
Madrigal, Leopoldo Madrigal, Leopoldo Hotel Longoria, La prueba, Paraiso perdido
Madrigal, Kit Madrigal, Kit Pepeng Agimat
Loder, Sara Loder, Sara The Dancer
Estrada, Daniel Estrada, Daniel The Storyteller, The Dancer
Cruz, Rine Cruz, Rine El corazón sobre la tierra, Se permuta
Cruz, Richard Kevin Cruz, Richard Kevin Pepeng Agimat
Corpuz, Aris Corpuz, Aris Pepeng Agimat
Aryan, Stella Aryan, Stella The Dancer
Adrian, Kelly Adrian, Kelly Pepeng Agimat