Troise, Vicente
O Comprador de Fazendas |
Troise, Katya
Alla ricerca del drago |
Stephenson, Amalia
Ekorre fällan, Idol of Evil, The Cutest Couple |
Romano, Yolanda
Mammas Heart, Mammas Trilogy |
Mead, Russell
Knuckleface Jones, Single Spaced, Slug 660 |
Douzenis, Jessica
Italian Life, The Wooden Bowl |
Batten, Darlene Tina
Walking in the Spirit |
Bartling, Siegfried
Paule Pauländer |
Bartling, Martin
Are You Ready to Be |
Bartling, Fred
Proboscis |
Bartley-Beal, Karen
PITA: Based on a True Story |