Camera Operator - персоны

Winney, James Winney, James Get Stuffed
Рик Уистон Рик Уистон Rick Whiston Мейер Лански, Добро пожаловать в рай, Deadliest Prey
Waxon, Doug Waxon, Doug The Good Friend, The Poolboy Always Thinks Twice, Going to Nowhere
Waitt, Chris Waitt, Chris Типа крутые легавые, A Complete History of My Sexual Failures, Мохнатки (сериал)
Waitsman, Irv Waitsman, Irv Worth Winning
Taylor, Larry Taylor, Larry Зулусы, Заключенный (сериал), Мстители (сериал)
Svynos, Mihalis Svynos, Mihalis Loufa kai parallagi: Seirines sto Aigaio
Styles, Derek Styles, Derek Death Waits
Stricklin, Marcus A. Stricklin, Marcus A. Heartbreak 101, Time Calls, Zombie 101: How to Survive as a Zombie
Stoehr, Thomas Stoehr, Thomas To Kill a Stranger
Souther, Stacey Souther, Stacey The Wind and the Long Black Scarf, Till We Stop Having Fun, Truth Be Told
Sinicrope, Christopher Sinicrope, Christopher Escaped, Oh Snap! Im Trapped in the House with a Crazy Lunatic Serial Killer!, Big Bother
Рэджнил Сингх Рэджнил Сингх Rajneel Singh Зена: Королева воинов (сериал), Большие плохие волки, Blank Spaces
Shapira, Matt Shapira, Matt Бог не умер, Проклятый дом 3, A Childs Echo
Schneck, Matt Schneck, Matt Он гораздо популярнее тебя, Sisterhood of the Streetwalkers
Scheler, Jean Scheler, Jean Selkirk of Red River, CF-RCK, La grande volière
Scheler, Fritz Scheler, Fritz Berlin Nights
Schaer, Nathanael Schaer, Nathanael Best Friends, Adagio (Film Case Study No.3)
Schaer, Martin Schaer, Martin Agent of Paradise, Hidden Howie: The Private Life of a Public Nuisance (сериал), La guajira
Rabari, Chirag Rabari, Chirag Old Stud
Pezy, Henk Pezy, Henk Tabee toean
Pezos, Hristos Pezos, Hristos Prosehos, Prostatis oikogeneias, Ta psaria tis frikis
Patrick, Keith Patrick, Keith Макбет, Designated Target, Door Stop
ONeil, Ty ONeil, Ty Breaking Away, Удержимые
Neelon, Sean P. Neelon, Sean P. MaxiDoodles: Behind the Makeup, True Color, Arc