Zombie 1 - персоны

Wayne, Tony Wayne, Tony King of the Road, Mr. Stache, Power Elite
Vazquez, Matt J. Vazquez, Matt J. Американские приключения
Vazquez, Mateo Vazquez, Mateo Z.A.T.F.I.
Strauss, Gabriel Strauss, Gabriel Loves End
Stephenson, Randy Stephenson, Randy Scum
Shelton, Andrew Shelton, Andrew Undead Apocalypse, Act of Love
Rupert, Jesse Rupert, Jesse Missing Link
Patterson, Leroy Patterson, Leroy Человек-паук, Спекшийся 3, Hero Man
OConnor, Charlie OConnor, Charlie Williams Wishes, Carrot Cake
Monhjomerg, Phoebe Monhjomerg, Phoebe Zombie Actually
McMurrough, Michael McMurrough, Michael Zombie Dust
McLaughlin, Chris McLaughlin, Chris Их перепутали в роддоме (сериал), Прачечная, Zombortion
Ligner, Frédéric Ligner, Frédéric Story of the Dead, Virtual Dating
Hunt, James Lee Hunt, James Lee Сейчас самое время, Переростки, Lights, Camera, Ransom!
Horn, Gemma Horn, Gemma Horringer: A Zombie Western
Flickinger, Nick Flickinger, Nick Forever Dead
Eames, Matt Eames, Matt Скримеры, Channel 138, Caustic Zombies
Castillo, Roman Castillo, Roman Festival mundial de poesía, Tyler vs. the Zombies
Burton, Mike Burton, Mike Seaside Special, The Comedians, Des OConnor Entertains
Burton, Michael Leland Burton, Michael Leland Скорая помощь (сериал), Whitefire
Bradley, Christopher Bradley, Christopher Морская полиция: Спецотдел (сериал), Чак (сериал), Стандартная процедура
Beskeen, Jack Beskeen, Jack Spider Man: Lost Cause, Bloody Hell
Balke, Matthew Balke, Matthew Ходячий призрак