The Blacksmith - персоны

Sherry, J. Barney Sherry, J. Barney Цивилизация, A Shadow of the Past, Blood Will Tell
Santschi, Tom Santschi, Tom В старой Аризоне, At the Risk of His Life, The Blood Seedling
Ruel, Dennis Ruel, Dennis Любовь вчера и сегодня, Травма (сериал), Bound by Blood
Morgan, George Morgan, George Stronger Than Love, Melody and Art, The Iron Master
Уилфред Лукас Уилфред Лукас Wilfred Lucas Новые времена, Мост Ватерлоо, Мистер Смит едет в Вашингтон Актер, режиссер, сценарист.
Love, Montagu Love, Montagu Морской ястреб, Ветер, Знак Зорро
Hansson, Tommie Hansson, Tommie Smokey, Lögner, Sjalar och mustascher
Hansson, Svend Hansson, Svend Джонни Ларсен
Gluvic, Luca Gluvic, Luca Whos Afraid of the Water Sprite?
Frastini, Emilio Frastini, Emilio Le flame del paradis
Evans, Frank Evans, Frank A Lodging for the Night, Беглец, To Save Her Soul
Cooper, Bigelow Cooper, Bigelow A Message to Garcia, An Unusual Sacrifice, Friend Wilsons Daughter
Chavez, Alexander Chavez, Alexander The Blacksmith, The Meadow
Broaderup, Bernd Broaderup, Bernd Такси до туалета, Taxi nach Kairo, Am Arsch der Welt. To have and to be
Broaded, Neil Broaded, Neil The Sheriff and the Rustler
Bolling, Jens Bolling, Jens Nødlanding, Fredløs i skogen, Havlandet
Barnes, Justus D. Barnes, Justus D. Большое ограбление поезда, A Dog of Flanders, From the Rivers Depths
Adkins, Jacob Adkins, Jacob Epilogue