трэш — персоны — стр. 9

Miller, Burt Miller, Burt
Meyers, Ernie Meyers, Ernie
Dog, Hutch the Dog, Hutch the
Demmon, Chad Demmon, Chad
Cyphert, D. Wayne Cyphert, D. Wayne
Chidnoff, Hal Chidnoff, Hal
Cates, Steve Cates, Steve
Cantwell, Brian Cantwell, Brian
Buresh, Richard Buresh, Richard
Birch, Don Birch, Don
Bello, James Bello, James
Wilde, Ethan Wilde, Ethan
Matteucci, Steve Matteucci, Steve
Shapiro, Ron Shapiro, Ron
Roesel, Earl Roesel, Earl
Lupinski, Edmund Lupinski, Edmund
Butler, Alex Butler, Alex
Walsh, Dan Walsh, Dan
Culley, John K. Culley, John K.
Young, Ryan Allan Young, Ryan Allan
Wynne, Wayne Wynne, Wayne
Sundfor, Paul Sundfor, Paul
Schiff, Janet Schiff, Janet
Goodwin, Gordon Goodwin, Gordon
Brennan, Joshua Brennan, Joshua
Blair, Gregory Blair, Gregory