Gordon, Julia Swayne. Фильмы — стр. 4

Gordon, Julia Swayne
Всего фильмов 190
Карьера Актриса
Lord Browning and Cinderella

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Love Watches

(США, 1918)

Love Watches

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Love, Hate and a Woman

(США, 1921)

Love, Hate and a Woman

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Luellas Love Story

(США, 1913)

Luellas Love Story

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Misbehaving Ladies

(США, 1931)

Misbehaving Ladies

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Miss Dulcie from Dixie

(США, 1919)

Miss Dulcie from Dixie

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Mr. Jarr and the Lady Reformer

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Mr. Jarrs Magnetic Friend

(США, 1915)

Mr. Jarrs Magnetic Friend

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My Ladys Slipper

(США, 1916)

My Ladys Slipper

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My Old Kentucky Home

(США, 1922)

My Old Kentucky Home

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Napoleon and the Empress Josephine

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Not So Long Ago

(США, 1925)

Not So Long Ago

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Old Reliable

(США, 1914)

Old Reliable

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(США, 1912)


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Red and White Roses

(США, 1913)

Red and White Roses

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Road House

(США, 1928)

Road House

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Rock of Ages

(США, 1912)

Rock of Ages

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(США, 1929)


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(США, 1923)


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Selecting His Heiress

(США, 1911)

Selecting His Heiress

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Shadows of the Past

(США, 1914)

Shadows of the Past

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Shadows of the Past

(США, 1919)

Shadows of the Past

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Shams of Society

(США, 1921)

Shams of Society

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Society and the Man

(США, 1911)

Society and the Man

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