Perles, Barry. Фильмы — стр. 5

Perles, Barry
Карьера Оператор, Монтажер, Режиссёр
The Jews of Winnipeg

(Канада, 1973)

The Jews of Winnipeg

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A Little Summermusik

(Канада, 1972)

A Little Summermusik

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Telecommunications: Behind the Scenes

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A Quiet Wave

(Канада, 1971)

A Quiet Wave

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Anger After Death

(Канада, 1971)

Anger After Death

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A Case Study: Cambodia and East Timor

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A Propaganda Model of the Media Plus Exploring Alternative Media

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Concision: No Time for New Ideas

(Канада, 1994)

Concision: No Time for New Ideas

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Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media

(Австралия, Канада, Финляндия, 1992)

Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media

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The Rise and Fall of English Montreal

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