Symansky, Adam. Фильмы — стр. 4

Symansky, Adam
Карьера Продюсер, Актёр
On Guard for Thee, Part 1: The Most Dangerous Spy

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On Guard for Thee, Part 2: A Blanket of Ice

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On Guard for Thee, Part 3: Shadows of a Horseman

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Scenes from Paper Wheat

(Канада, 1981)

Scenes from Paper Wheat

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The Business of Aging

(Канада, 1981)

The Business of Aging

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The Canadian Federation

(Канада, 1981)

The Canadian Federation

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Under New Management

(Канада, 1981)

Under New Management

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Canada Vignettes: Canadas Snowbirds

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The Image Makers

(Канада, 1980)

The Image Makers

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The Inheritance

(Канада, 1980)

The Inheritance

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Paper Wheat

(Канада, 1979)

Paper Wheat

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Canada Vignettes: Vignettes from Labrador North

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Youre Under Arrest!

(Канада, 1979)

Youre Under Arrest!

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The Wages of Work

(Канада, 1978)

The Wages of Work

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A Case Study: Cambodia and East Timor

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A Propaganda Model of the Media Plus Exploring Alternative Media

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История кинематографа

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Concision: No Time for New Ideas

(Канада, 1994)

Concision: No Time for New Ideas

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Независимая линза (сериал)

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Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media

(Австралия, Канада, Финляндия, 1992)

Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media

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(Канада, 2009)


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