Операторы — стр. 166

Samano, Javier Samano, Javier Da mi je biti morski pas, Domina, El viento en la región de las piedras
Luo, LI-Mei Luo, LI-Mei A Sam
Siman, Aleksey Siman, Aleksey Growing Conscience, 6 x 6, A Samaritan
Semhan, Matías Semhan, Matías A sangre fría (las reglas del juego), Nadie sabe mi ser, Víctima
ODonnell, Miceal ODonnell, Miceal Dante and Minnie, Die Dick Die, Dinero
Pavic, Vladimir Pavic, Vladimir A Scene in the Snow, Mrtav covek ne stuca
Robin, Christopher Edward Robin, Christopher Edward Rimal min dhahab, Bartleby, Deuil en vingt-quatre heures
Noble, Gabriel Noble, Gabriel 2012: The Beginning, Be My Valentine, The Hope Within
Costanzo, Leonardo Costanzo, Leonardo Odessa, Rent a Bad Student, Un cas décole
Short, Henry Short, Henry Морская пещера возле Лиссабона, Андалузский танец, Arab Knife Grinder at Work
Lach, David Lach, David Hurricane Chasers, A Sea of Green, Shirley Ave.
Kasunich, Gregory J.M. Kasunich, Gregory J.M. The Rest Falls Away, There the Broken Wall, A Sea of Something More
Taylor, John Taylor, John Доктор Кто (сериал), Приключения Шерлока Холмса (сериал), Фредди Меркьюри, нерассказанная история
Forman, Alex Forman, Alex The Ride, Nigels Place in France, One on the House
Schmeckpeper, Will Schmeckpeper, Will Slasher the Musical!, The Highly Contested Election for Payette County Sheriff, Thirty Proof Coil
Jones, Derek Jones, Derek Uncanny, A Season in the Rain, Alone and Together
Esson, Katja Esson, Katja Poetry of Resilience, Searching for Sense, Siegfried & Roy - Ein Märchen für Erwachsene
Stillwell, Cindy Stillwell, Cindy Mating for Life, Things We Do, A Season on the Move
Abbey, Malcolm Abbey, Malcolm Day of Redemption, Even Me, Film West Hollywood
Pickering, Stephen C. Pickering, Stephen C. Cult Status, The Guilty, Following Suit