Жанр | Детектив, Триллер, Фэнтези |
Хронометраж | 1 ч. 20 мин. |
Режиссер |
Страна | Аргентина |
Бюджет | 650 000 $ |
Сценарий |
Продюсер |
Оператор |
- Гильермо Пфенинг
Лучио Бонелли
Оператор - Ajaka, Alberto
- Cid, Celeste
Galel Maidana
Режиссёр -
Israel, Alejandro
In a world on the brink of collapse, Chockler receives the mysterious Lucrecia's mission to find a man named Victor, dead or alive. Little by little, he discovers a network of implications between the horse races, genetic experiments, and a series of strange and superhuman nature facts, in the deep night of the city.
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