Office Love-in, White-Collar Style (1968)

Office Love-in, White-Collar Style
Office Love-in, White-Collar Style

Рейтинг IMDB: 3.9 (36 голосов)

Оригинальный слоган Office love-life revealed! She knew every crack in the ceiling. Rub-a-dub-dub, sex in the tub. From typewriter to bed. After-hours love life. Matching game, computer style. Mating game, computer style. Love among the 9 to 5 set.
Жанр Драма, Комедия
Страна США
Продюсер Apostolof, Stephen C., Casey, J.T.
Композитор OGallchoir, Eamon

Рейтинг IMDB: 3.9 (36 голосов)