Webber, Jamie
Until the Sky Falls |
Wattles, Buddy
Divorce Made Easy, Only the Girl |
Vleeshouwer, Co
Het veld van eer |
Vleck, Moses
Tadpoles |
Virgili, Virgilio
Il club degli impiccati, Il mistero della casa n. 30 |
Virgili, Román
De tango, Interrumpimos nuestro programa... |
Virgili, Omar
The Place |
Vincent, Jonathan T.
Ловись, рыбка |
Viemeister, Chris
Audition, Give Chase, Kiss + Tell |
Veijalainen, Pertti
Blatnoi mir, Mittsommernachtstango, Buss |
Veijalainen, Paavo
Onnelliset Läskit, Peniskateus |
Veach, Cailean
Finding Light |
Vasta, Giuseppe
Le comiche |
Vasta, Alessandro
Ice-Cream Dream, Una storia semplice |
Vasluianu, Andi
Не ждите слишком многого от конца света, Марилена с Седьмой улицы, Мечты о Калифорнии |
Merwe, Ethan
Someone |
Vallancourt, Daniel
Il vento mi ha cantato una canzone, Isabellas, Late Nights, Early Mornings: Memoir of an English Student |
Turner, Michael Garin
Во имя отца |
Turits, Jesse
Bite, Her Perfect Peace, Our Lead Guitarist |
Tschapeller, Michael
Die Treppe - Jenseits der Angst, Allein |
Troboukis, Dimitris
Casus belli |
Trobman, Kyle
Out for Vengeance, Для всего человечества, In Real Life |
Trillet, Tanguy
Mauvaise route |
Torrez, Emmanuel
The Devil and the Vagabond |
Tommaso, Finzi
Arheo, To je zemlja, brat moj |