Gabby, Margareth
One Day Ill Be Happy |
Frost, Dee
Requiem for the Relentless Fathers |
Franklin, Erin
I Love You |
Framarin, Selene
Mi è caduto il cuore nel water |
Frallicciardi, Valeria
The Story of a Mother, Комиссариат Пиццофальконе (сериал) |
Forcier, Lacey
The Sink |
Foran, Adam
A Foot of Rope, Black Clouds |
Fliegel, Evelyn Arleene
Turn Off the Moon |
Fischer, Carsten
Cirkus Julius, Livet ombord - sammen med 6600 containere og 19 søfolk, Husbyggerne |
Fischer, Carly Simone
The Big Something, The Night Train to Phoenix |
Domecq, Yanina
Cizaña Contra Suspiros |
Eason, Briana
Биг Сур, Blue Skied and Clear, CXL |
Dyke, Sophie
Unused |
Dunlop, Joy
The Upper Hand |
Dunleavy, Gemma
But Its Not a Casting Agency |
Toit, Berdene
Car Guarded |
Doerr, Jennifer
Breakup Breakdown |
Digby, Naomi
Rifle Ave |
Díaz, Gabriela
Сердце Чернобыля, El canto de la gitana, Suspiro Final |
Denny, Emma
The Magnet |
Puca, Jessica
Bare Necessities |
Salto, Ángela
Толедо (сериал), Alfonso, el príncipe maldito, Вопросы о сексе (сериал) |
Ronde, Bodelle
Catching the Bus, Finality, Mr Arsehole |
Dax, Shaheena
Punch, Underexposure, Присяжные (сериал) |
Damron, Amanda
Lovebytes, Misfortune by Fortune, StarWares |