American Soldier - персоны — стр. 5

King, Patrick King, Patrick Слава, Q. Cross: The Painter Behind the Portraits, Operation Warzone
Kern, Kenneth Kern, Kenneth Плутовство, Judge and Jury, Operation Warzone
Kelly, James A. Kelly, James A. Carbon Nation, The Lost Platoon
Keeler, Kenny Keeler, Kenny The Marriage Counselor, Always Faithful, Blood and Water
Kazolides, Chris Kazolides, Chris Every Occupation Needs a Party
Kane, Mark Kane, Mark Jungle Assault, Биение сердца (сериал)
Kalianov, Hayden Kalianov, Hayden Мертвое море
Josey, Raymond Josey, Raymond Необходимое убийство
Johnstone, Ron Johnstone, Ron Night Wars
Johnson, Tyrone Johnson, Tyrone В отрыв!, Jungle Assault
Jayson, Philip Jayson, Philip Operation Warzone, The Lost Platoon
Ingram, Micah Ingram, Micah A Soldiers Lullaby
Hulstrand, Benjamin Hulstrand, Benjamin Мертвое море
Hughes, James P. Hughes, James P. Onna no bôhatei
Huggins, Jeff Huggins, Jeff Jungle Assault
Hopkins, Donald Hopkins, Donald The Lost Platoon
Hooker, James Hooker, James Mister Brown, Toxic Effect, Transparent
Holton, Sean Holton, Sean Смертельная добыча, Кровавая закусочная, Born Killer
Hollar, Steve Hollar, Steve Hell on the Battleground
Hogan, Percy Hogan, Percy Полицейский по найму, Дагобер, Moses the Lawgiver
Hendrix, Napoleon Hendrix, Napoleon Необычайная Отвага, Широко шагая (сериал)
Heil, Karl Heil, Karl Im Sommer - Die sichtbare Welt, Rokoko
Heil, Joe Heil, Joe As You Were
Hawes, Scott Hawes, Scott Hired, Remnants of Chernobyl, Scylla
Hawes, Robert Ernest Hawes, Robert Ernest Letters from My New Home, Арена (сериал)