Victim - персоны — стр. 5

Reese, Randall Reese, Randall Змей в бутылке, Bitez
Rebecca, Laura Rebecca, Laura Город волков, Singer with No Name, Splat!
Raphael, Nader Raphael, Nader Befalling
Ramirez, Julian Ramirez, Julian Ресторан господина Септима, Will Will Willy, Billys a Kid
Ramirez, Juan Sebastian Ramirez, Juan Sebastian Il Buio
Potrykus, Charles Potrykus, Charles Birthday Boy, Farther Than Sheep, The Ludivico Treatment
Pomeranz, Ryan Pomeranz, Ryan Theodore Is Dying, To Your Health, Love Is Deaf
Pitman, Marc Pitman, Marc Deadbeat at Dawn, Истинная суть, Roadkill: The Last Days of John Martin
Piche, James Piche, James Clowny Day, Steves Place
Pettus, Will Pettus, Will Death by Death
Pewny, Pawel Pewny, Pawel Одиночество в сети, Od pelni do pelni, Wlatcy Moch
Pewitt, Todd Pewitt, Todd Death by Death, Checkpoint Echo, Step Nine
Persaud, Isaac Persaud, Isaac A Delicate Mind
Perrone, Marco Perrone, Marco I corti di Gabriele Cirilli, Dungeon of Evil
Park, Gavin Park, Gavin Всемирный потоп, За тех, кто в море, My Brothers Keeper
Paradise, James Paradise, James Друзья (сериал), Практика (сериал), Детектив Майк Хаммер (сериал)
Palmer, Justin D.M. Palmer, Justin D.M. I Love You This Much, Irregular Fruit, The Last Rites of Joe May
Otos, Jeff Otos, Jeff The Ketchup Conspiracy
Osmond, Darren Osmond, Darren Radical, The Passing, After the Fall
Opperman, Frank Opperman, Frank A Lodging for the Night, The School Teacher and the Waif, Неизменчивое море
Oldani, Ed Oldani, Ed Nymph, Корпорация, The Rosary Murders
OSullivan, Anthony OSullivan, Anthony Предложение, They Would Elope, The Lonely Villa
OCallaghan, Ryan OCallaghan, Ryan Студия 30 (сериал), Ученик чародея, Expatriate
Nowak, Alex Nowak, Alex Knight Knight, Late Night, The Beach House
Noe, Rain Noe, Rain Sweet Billy Oh, The Buy