Quantrills Raiders (1958)

Quantrills Raiders
Quantrills Raiders

Рейтинг IMDB: 5.4 (167 голосов)

Оригинальный слоган ...rode like hellions, hid like ghosts, killed like wolves! The Hell-Horde they called The Butchers Battalion! The Wests infamous wolf-pack raiders... a hundred renegades who scorched the land with a thousand crimes! The peak of fury! The shock-hot sage of night-riding terror! Led by the maverick Quantrill and the infamous woman known as Kate! Ravishing each helpless town... disappearing into the night!
Жанр Боевик, Вестерн, Военный
Хронометраж 1 ч. 08 мин.
Режиссер Bernds, Edward
Премьера 27 апреля 1958 г.
Страна США
Продюсер Schwalb, Ben
Композитор Skiles, Chase

Рейтинг IMDB: 5.4 (167 голосов)