Afghanistan: Between Light and Darkness (2011)

Afghanistan: Between Light and Darkness
Afghanistan: Between Light and Darkness

Рейтинг IMDB: 0.0 (0 голосов)

Оригинальный слоган Beacons of hope in Afghanistan A story of light and hope amid a world still in darkness Young leaders fervently working to heal their country Where the guns and tanks are replaced by education and entrepreneurship
Жанр Короткометражка
Премьера 17 апреля 2011 г.
Страна США
Продюсер Buonocore, Gennaro, Chalmers, Ted, Vaughn, Remi
Оператор Kraljic, Frank
Композитор Madero, Rodolfo

Рейтинг IMDB: 0.0 (0 голосов)